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Terrorism in the World Today

Meaning of Terrorism

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. Terrorism is any act of force which may put in fear or cause injury to anybody or general public or which causes death or destruction of lives or property.

Terrorism is simply the violent acts which causes injury or loss of lives, and property of citizens or that of the general public.

A situation usually arises where a person or group of persons cause fear in some people or death on members of the public leading to destruction of lives and property. These act usually cause damage to public and private property, destruction of natural resources, environmental or cultural heritage with the intention of putting fear or inducing any government to anybody or the general public. Terrorism is a global issue causing crises in many countries around the world. Most acts of terrorism were penetrated by small organizations with no formal ties with national governments. Their likely objectives are political and sometimes religious. They generally do not seek casualties. They seek attention from the government of the day. Terrorism is bad because the colossal loss of lives and property that characterize such acts is abhorred by all religious practices.

Democracy and Terrorism

Terrorism is most common in nations with political freedom and is common mostly in the democratic nations of the world. There is also suicide terrorism also known as suicide bombing carried out by individuals usually targeted at democracy or state with degree of freedom. There is terrorism which does nor have examples of democratize inclinations, for example; those in Spain, South Africa and so on. Terrorism is carried out by individuals, groups or state. Their common features is that it is carried out by small and secretive cells or groups, highly motivated to serve a particular cause and many of the most deadly operations in recent times; they disrupt democratic settings.

Originally Written by Victor Adegoke of Esker Victor's Blog
