Cultism has become a rampant practice in Nigerian Institutions/Schools during the 21st Century. It is a practice which apart from being carried out in institutions/schools, has also gone viral into creeks and streets. Cultism also known as confraternity as they used to be known were established for the purpose of overseeing the welfare of less privileged students in higher institutions. It was also established for the purpose of protecting the interests of students who could not march with the wealthy students in school or for the purpose of maintaining academic excellence among members. The pioneer members of the confraternity used nick names like "cup in blood" and other names like that. After some time, some members of the cult had to be expelled from the confraternity and this caused a break up from the mother cult or confraternity and new ones emerged. Since then, there has been several cults or confraternities across the country, Nigeria.
*Meaning of Cultism*
Cultism means a practice, membership, admission, policy and initiation which is secret and known only to its members and non members alike. They are mostly found in schools of higher learning and of recent in secondary, and primary schools. Its membership include, students, lecturers, pupils, administrators, non academic staff, school authorities, and other personalities. Their activities have extended to the communities where the schools are and to towns and villages. Their membership outside school are carried out by ex-school members and top politicians and government officials.
*Activities Carried out by Cults*
1. The female cult members supply spies for male confraternities.
2. Exertion of power in the rigid and hierarchical confraternity.
3. They serve as a check on the students unions and university staff.
5. Attacking of students deemed troublesome.
6. Carrying out of traditional religious practices including voodoo before any other activity.
7. Blood struggle for supremacy.
8. Intimidating professors into giving high grades by burning their cars or abducting their children.
9. Murder
10. Armed robbery
11. Kidnapping
12. Intimidation of political opponents and so on.
13. Hostage taking and so on.
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